in english and norwegian: "The Happening That Is Not Happening: Unconscious Resistances"
"Reconocemos y rechazamos, a la vez, la emergencia climática"
"The 'Beautiful Soul' Syndrome of the Israeli Military"
em português: "A política de fogo hoje"
(with Anton Tarasyuk), "Beyond Ukraine's War Slogans"
"The Politics of Bombastic Gestures"
em português: "Uma política dos gestos bombásticos"
"For Another Theology of Nature"
en español: "'Genocidio compasivo en Gaza: con una mano, ayuda humanitaria; con la otra, bombas"
em português: "Genocídio compassivo"
"We Need to Talk about the Devil: The Return of Theological Politics in Russia (and not only"
en español: "El diablo, el inconsciente y la guerra en Ucrania: cuando la teología reina en el Kremlin"
em português: "Que diabo se passa no Kremlin?"
по-украiнськи: "Поговорімо про диявола: повернення теологічної політики в Росії (і не лише)"
"Burning Ourselves to Death / Når vi brenner oss selv til døde"
"The 'Volcano of Occupation' is Erupting Again: Responding to the Bombings of Gaza"
en español: "'El volcán de la ocupación' entra de nuevo en erupción: en respuesta a los bombardeos de Gaza"
euskera: "'Okupazioaren sumendia' berriro lehertu da: Gazako bonbardaketei erantzunez"
"'Wish' or: Goodbye, Neoliberalism?"
em português: "'Wish', ou adeus, neoliberalismo?"
en español: "'Deseo', o -- adiós, neoliberalismo?"
"The Double Insult of Wearing a Yellow Star of David"
en español: "El doble insulto de lucir hoy la estrella amarilla"
(with Giovanni Aloi), "Getting Entwined: A Foray into Philosophy's and Art's Affair with Plants"
"The Ethics of 'Talking Trees'"
"The Moment of Truth in Israel"
en español: "Dios o la democracia: El momento de verdad en Israel"
"When a Train and a Tunnel Are More (or Less) Than a Train and a Tunnel"
en español: "Un tren y un túnel son más (o menos) que un tren y un tunel"
auf deutsch: "Freud hätte seinen Spaß daran: Spanien bestellt Züge, die nicht in Tunnel passen"
"Through the Russian Looking Glass"
auf deutsch: "Durch den russischen Spiegel"
по-русски: "В российском зазеркалье"
in arabic: "عَــبْـر المرآة الروسية"
in dutch: "Door de Russische spiegel"
in danish: "Rusland er ved at genoplive Sovjetunionen og svaermer om planokonomi. Det kan ende i borgerkrig"
en español: "URSS 2.0: Rusia, el regreso de la economía planificada"
"Passenger Guilt (and What to Do about It)
en español: "Filosofía para los viajeros: cómo frenar la culpa por tu huella de carbono"
"The Strange World of Environmental Fascism"
em português: "O estranho mundo do fascismo ambiental"
auf deutsch: "Disneys Film „Strange World“ trägt faschistische Züge"
"Peace to the World, or How Empires Are Made:
auf deutsch: "Was kostet der Frieden, was ist sein Preis?"
(with Anton Tarasyuk), "The Russian Doctrine: Blame the Victim"
auf deutsch: "Wie Russland versucht, die Ukraine als Täter darzustellen – und wie russische Intellektuelle mitmachen"
(with Anton Tarasyuk), "V Day, or Z Day?"
(with Anton Tarasyuk), "The Genocidal Logic of Putin's War"
auf deutsch: "Putins genozidale Logik"
po polsku: Czym jest doktryna Szczedrowickiego? "To ona uzasadnia ludobójczą logikę Putina"
по-украiнськи: "Геноцидна логіка путінської війни"
en français: "L'implosion de l'histoire"
en español: "La implosión de la historia"
in arabic: الانفجار الذاتي للتاريخ
in chinese: 历史的内爆
по-русски: "Имплозия истории"
serbo-croatian: "Implozija istorije"
en español: "Pensar frente a la guerra"
"Vegetal Redemption: A Ukrainian Woman and Russian Soldiers"
по-украiнськи: "Соняшникова покута: українська жінка та російські солдати"
en español: "Redencion vegetal: la mujer ucraniana y los soldados rusos"
ελληνικά: Φυτική Λύτρωση: Μια Γυναίκα από την Ουκρανία, οι Ρώσοι Στρατιώτες και οι Σπόροι του Ηλίανθου
по-русски: "Вегетативное искупление: украинская женщина и российские солдаты"
по-русски: "Чувство потрясения"
El Diario Vasco series:
1. "La naturaleza ama ocultarse" (Heraclito)
2. "Me esfuerzo por devolver lo divino que hay en mí a lo divino que hay en el Todo" (Plotino)
3. "Llamo libre a quien sólo se guía por la razón" (Spinoza)
4. "Atreverse es perder momentáneamente el equilibrio. No atreverse es perderse a sí mismo" (Kierkegaard)
5. "El camino es la meta" (Gandhi)
6. "De lo que no se puede hablar es mejor callar" (Wittgenstein)
7. "Si se pudiera poseer, aprehender y conocer al otro, no sería otro" (Levinas)
(with Eduardo Navarro), "Un encuentro vegetal"
"The Powerlessness of Philosophy"
slovak: "Nepokoje v krajinách bývalého ZSSR znamenajú, že jeho kolaps sa ešte nepodaril"
en español: "Contra el uso del concepto de guerra"
"Contagion: Before and Beyond COVID-19"
in vietnamese: "Su' lay lan"
en español: "Nosotros somos el coronavirus"
en français: "Ce que el coronavirus dit de nous"
ελληνικά: "Ο κοροναϊός και τα τείχη ως δήθεν προστασία από τη μόλυνση"
turkish: "Koronavirüsü Biziz"
vietnamese: "Coronavirus là chính chúng ta"
japanese: "ウイルスの時代、私たちは隔離不能なつながりの中で生きていると知る"
(with Monica Gagliano), "What a Plant Learns. The Curious Case of Mimosa pudica"
"Position as a Political Category: Phenomenology and the Eroticism of Power," Part 1
"Position as a Political Category: Phenomenology and the Eroticism of Power," Part 2
"Ukrainian Landslide Election Result Delivers a Twist on the New Era of Populism"
em português: "Comediante favorito à presidência da Ukrânia propõe 'ação política apolítica'"
"Heidegger's Thinking Today Is, Perhaps, the Possibility of the World"
"Heidegger's Eternal Triangle"
"El daimon de la vida vegetal"
"Trump's & Netanyahu's Pedagogy of Oppression: A Lesson on the Nature of Facts"
(with D. Innerarity), "Better than a Victory, Worse than a Defeat?"
"What Doesn't Belong in this Group: Israel, Trump, Freedom of the Press?"
auf Deutsch: "Für ein Friedensabkommen mit den Pflanzen"
"Can Democracy Save the Planet?"
"Poland's Bialowieza: Losing the Forest and the Trees"
in Slovenian: "Koniec lesa a smrt' stromov"
turkish: "Bitkiler düşünebilir mi?"
"Dreaming of Energy, Otherwise"
en español: "Soñar con otra energía"
"Abstention at the UN, or the Owl of Minerva of American Diplomacy"
(with Slavoj Žižek), "The Breakdown of Rational Argumentation"
"Jewish Americans Must Take Sides on Trump"
"The Con Artistry of the Deal: Trump, the Reality-TV President"
en español: "Trump, el maestro titiritero y sus límites"
en español: "Ser doble"
по-русски: "Открытость: Чернобыль"
"US Primaries and the Politics of Fire"
en español: "Metafísica Trump"
"Can There Be Poetry After Netanyahu?"
"David Bowie's Stardust Twilight"
"The Meaning of 'Clean Energy'"
en français: "Dégageons du Moyen-Orient!"
"Israeli Hospital Raid Reflects Criminal Behavior of the Country's Political Leadership"
"How to Steal the Future in Israel/Palestine"
"Israeli Society Is Crumbling Under the Weight of Occupation"
"Inflammatory Rhetoric and the Volcano of Occupation"
по-русски: "Мыши, которые умнее людей"
em português: "A inteligência das plantas"
"The Extremism of the Center in Israel"
(with Patricia Vieira) "The End of Democratic Europe"
по-русски: "Шантажируя Грецию, демократическая Европа приближает свой конец"
"Dusting the Furniture of Our Minds"
(with Luce Irigaray) "Toward an Ecology of Sharing"
"Dust: A Ledger of Past Existence"
"Is Syriza's Victory a Shift for Europe?"
em português: Filósofo Michael Marder comenta ataques ao 'Charlie Hebdo'
"What Else Was Paraded in Paris?"
in Serbo-Croatian, "Čime se još paradiralo u Parizu?"
(with Luce Irigaray), "Plant Lessons"
"What Is a Jewish Nation-State?"
(with Luce Irigaray), "Is 'Democracy' Nothing More than a Slogan Now?"
"The End of Israel's Historical Immunity"
"A Fight for the Right to Read Heidegger"
em português: Uma luta pelo direito de ler Heidegger
"Europas eksistensielle 'de-konstitusjon'"
"Don't Keep Calm! And Don't Carry On!"
(with Luce Irigaray) "Without Clean Air, We Have Nothing"
"Living la Vida Low-Cost in Portugal"
"Why Deconstructing Zionism Is Important"
(with Patricia Vieira) "What Do We Owe the Future?"
"Why Settlements Will Lead to a One-State Solution"
(with Monica Gagliano), "How Do Plants Sound?"
"What Horsemeat Tells Us About Ourselves"
"¿Deberían las plantas tener derechos?"
"A Postcolonial Comedy of Errors"
"Carl Schmitt and the De-Constitution of Europe" Part I; Part II; Part III; Part IV; Part V
"Botany's Copernican Revolution"
en español: "Contra Linneo"
"The Time is Ripe for Plant Rights"
em português: "Pelo amor de Nova York"
en français: "L’Europe est en passe de devenir une colonie des pays émergents"
(with Patricia Vieira) "Sem rei nem roque: a crise da soberania em Portugal"
"The State of the European Disunion"
italiano: "Il medievalismo di Israele"
korean: 팔레스타인을 '중세시대'로 돌려놓겠다는 이스라엘
(with Patricia Vieira) "Fortuna's Dark Side: Politics contra Fatalism"
en español: "Austeridad inculta"
(with Patricia Vieira) "Art and the Language of Things"
"Do Plants Have Their Own Form of Consciousness?"
"The Idea of Following in the Age of Twitter"
en español: "Seguir a otro en la era de Twitter"
"Is Plant Liberation on the Menu?"
"If Peas Can Talk, Should We Eat Them?"
"The West Is the Opposition's Albatross"
"A Revolution in Botanical Nomenclature"
"The European Union and the Rhetoric of Immaturity"
ελληνικά: "Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και η ρητορική της ανωριμότητας"
"Ultra-Orthodox Reflection of Israeli Politics"
"The Second Death of Politics"
en español: "El humor y su relación con la crisis"
"A Discipline in Crisis: The View from Within"
"Naturalize This! Analytic Philosophy and the Logic of Reactive Neutralization"
"Reclaiming the Lifeworld: Toward an Ontology of Political Will"
"In in the Name of the Law: Schmitt and the Metonymic Abuses of Legality"
"The Age of Neutralization and Politicization in Russia: A Brief Pre-History of the March Elections"