Metamorphoses Reimagined (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming in 2025)
Eco-Freud, from A to Z (London & New York: Bloomsbury, forthcoming in 2025)
Pyropolitics: Fire and the Political (Hannover: Ibidem Verlag, 2025)
Pyropolitics in the World Ablaze, revised and updated second edition (London, UK & Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020 [2015])
*Spanish translation: Piropolítica en un mundo en llamas (Barcelona: NED Ediciones, 2023)
*Norwegian translation: Pyropolitikk i en verden som brenner (Oslo: Existenz Forlag, 2023)
Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books
Reviewed in Global Affairs
Reviewed in ALA Choice Magazine
(with Edward S. Casey), Plants in Place: A Phenomenology of the Vegetal (New York: Columbia University Press, 2024)
Recommended by Yale Climate Connections (12 books honoring Earth Day)
Philosophy for Passengers, with art by Tomas Saraceno (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2022)
*Spanish translation: Filosofía del pasajero (Barcelona: NED Ediciones, 2022)
-Best book for travelers, National Geographic, 2022
Reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Reviewed in National Geographic
Reviewed in The Prisma
Reviewed in Viaje con escalas
Reviewed in Milenio
Interview for The Irish Times
Reviewed in Spirituality & Practice
Reviewed in The German Quarterly
Reviewed in Worldviews
Reviewed in The Way (UK)
Dump Philosophy: A Phenomenology of Devastation (New York & London: Bloomsbury, 2020)
*Portuguese translation forthcoming in 2025 from V.S. Editor
*Spanish translation: El vertedero filosófico (Barcelona: NED Ediciones, 2022)
Reviewed in Biosemiotics
Political Categories: Thinking beyond Concepts (New York: Columbia University Press, 2019)
Reviewed in Phenomenological Reviews
Reviewed in NDPR
Reviewed in Theoria
Reviewed in The Review of Metaphysics
Reviewed in ALA Magazine (Highly Recommended)
Winner of Choice "Outstanding Title of the Year, 2020"
Energy Dreams: Of Actuality (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017)
Reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement
Reviewed in Stasis
Reviewed in The Prisma
Grafts: Writings on Plants (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2016)
*Spanish translation: Injertos, escritos sobre las plantas (Bilbao: Ediciones Nefoe, 2019)
Reviewed in Agriculture & Human Values
Reviewed in Environmental Philosophy
Reviewed in ALA Choice Magazine
(with Luce Irigaray), Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016)
*Mandarin Chinese translation forthcoming in 2025
*German translation: Durch das Pflanzliche Sein (Leipzig: Merve Verlag, 2024)
*Korean translation: 식물의 사유 (Aleph Publishing, 2020)
Reviewed in Library Journal
Reviewed in Hypatia
Reviewed in Dialogue
Reviewed in Green Letters
Reviewed in philoSOPHIA
Reviewed in International Journal of Public Theology
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewed in Environmental Values
Reviewed in Inference: International Review of Science
Reviewed in postmedieval
Reviewed in Religious Theory
Winner of the Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA, London) Book of the Year, 2016
*Spanish translation: Chernobil Herbarium: Fragmentos de una Conciencia Explotada (Barcelona: NED Ediciones, 2021)
*Italian translation: Chernobyl Herbarium (Milano: Mimesis Edizioni, 2021)
*French translation: Tchernobyl Herbarium: Fragment d'une conscience en éclat (Paris: Editions Mimesis, 2021)
*Partial Ukrainian translation in Kontur
*Partial Danish translation in Baggrund
Reviewed in The Planthunter
Reviewed in Lancet Oncology
Reviewed in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Reviewed in (Des)troços
Reviewed in La Repubblica
Reviewed in Il fatto quotidiano
Reviewed in Il Sole 24 Ore
Reviewed in eHabitat
Reviewed in Singola
Reviewed in Artribune
Reviewed in Il Foglio
Reviewed in Avvenire
Reviewed in Antinomie
Reviewed in Almanacco della scienza
Article in
Article in Italy24 News
Article in Il Mattino
Article in Corriere della Sera
Interview for Exibart
Dust (London & New York: Bloomsbury, 2016)
*Korean translation forthcoming in 2025
*Turkish translation: Toz (Istanbul: Ithaki, 2019)
Reviewed in The Bookbag
Reviewed in Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies
NPR's pick for one of "The Best Books of 2016"
My Ted-Ed Original Lesson "What Is Dust Made of?"
The Philosopher's Plant: An Intellectual Herbarium, with drawings by Mathilde Roussel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014)
*Italian translation forthcoming in 2025
*Russian translation forthcoming in 2025
*French translation: La plante du philosophe: Un herbier intellectuel (Paris: Éditions Mimésis, 2020)
Reviewed in Publisher's Weekly
Starred review in Library Journal
Reviewed in Environmental Philosophy
Reviewed in Riffle Books
Reviewed in The Marginalian
Reviewed in Vassar College Journal of Philosophy
Reviewed in ALA Choice Magazine
Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life (New York: Columbia University Press, 2013)
*Polish translation: Myślenie roślin. Filozofia wegetacji (Gdansk: słowo/obraz terytoria, 2024)
*Estonian translation: Taimmõtlemine. Vegetaalse elu filosoofia (Tallinn: Tallinn University Press, 2024)
*Russian translation: Rastitel'noe myshlenie: filosofia vegetativnoy zhizni (Moscow: Ad marginem, 2024)
*French translation: La pensée végétale (Paris: Les Presses du réel, 2021)
-Reviewed in Philosophie Magazin
-Reviewed in Plasticités--Sciences--Arts
Reviewed in Publisher's Weekly
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewed in Environmental Values
Reviewed in Environmental Humanities
Reviewed in The Quarterly Review of Biology
Reviewed in LA Review of Books
Reviewed in STIR
Reviewed in Midwest Book Reviews
Reviewed in Gorky Media
Reviewed in Czas Kultury
Interview with Powell's Books
Interview with New Books in Philosophy
Interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Recommendation in The Bangalore Review
Article in Modern Farmer
Article in Magazine Spirale
Groundless Existence: The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt (New York & London: Bloomsbury/Continuum, 2010)
Reviewed in International Journal of Philosophical Studies
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewed in Revista de Ciencias Sociales
Reviewed in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Reviewed in Parrhesia
Reviewed in Telos v. 150
Reviewed in El Commercio, "Y ahora la 'post-deconstrucción'"